One day you’re playing peacefully on the rug with your kids and fur kids then seemingly the next day you’re all being eaten alive wherever you turn, there’s no escaping it- the itchiness is driving you and your pets crazy! Next comes the horrible realisation that your house and your pet have a flea burden.
Sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it?
No need to run to the panic station just yet……
Firstly we’ll give you some insight into the 4 stage life cycle of a flea
Eggs- these are not sticky so they will fall off your pet and land anywhere in their environment therefore regular vacuuming of carpets, rugs etc and washing of any bedding (in hot water) in the area is the best way to get rid of flea eggs plus an application of IGR (insect growth regulator) to stop their development. Steam cleaning carpet can also help to kill eggs.
Larvae- these guys hide away, deep in dark places in the environment such as the carpet and bedding. Regular vacuuming and washing of bedding plus application of IGR can help to get rid of larvae- most flea products you give to your pet will also help control larvae on your pet.
Pupae- The best way to rid your home of these is to vacuum regularly- this will suck up eggs, larvae and pupae and the vibration and warmth from the vacuum cleaner will cause the pupae to hatch then the adults will be killed by any surface pest control products you have in place in the environment and prevention on your pet.
Adults- Flea prevention you have used on your pet, whether it be a topical or oral, should begin to kill adult fleas on your pet.
A heavy flea burden can have an effect on pets contributing to flea allergy dermatitis, anaemia and tapeworm.
The most effective way to rid your pet and environment of fleas for good:
- Use a veterinary approved flea preventative product such as Nexgard or Bravecto for dogs and Frontline spray (available in store only) for cats on all pets in the household- these products also contain paralysis tick prevention- it’s very important to administer this year round to keep the flea cycle broken. Available from our online shop or at our Vet hospital.
- It’s necessary to treat the environment as well as pets- eggs fall off your pet into the surrounding environment- the fleas you see on your pets are only 5-10% of the overall ‘problem’, the rest are in the environment.
- Wash all bedding in hot water regularly.
- Vacuum regularly, vacuum under lounges, rugs and cabinets etc, empty the vacuum cleaner after every use.
- Treat the environment with a certified flea pest control product – ensure all fish tanks, bird cages and other pets are out of the environment when it’s being treated.
- All of the above steps will need to be performed regularly until the cycle is broken- remember to keep the cycle broken it is vital you use a veterinary approved flea preventative on your pets year round!
If you have any further questions or concerns please phone our friendly staff on 4362 1644.